Tuesday, September 6, 2011

De Blas House Research

The matrix I was provided with earlier in the Semester was a reference to the De Blas House: a home designed by the Architect Alberto Campo Baeza for the Professor of Literature Francisco de Blas.

From my research I discovered the following about the home and its inspiration. This is a summary I wrote of what I understood from http://storiesofhouses.blogspot.com/2008/10/casa-de-blas-in-sevilla-la-nueva-madrid.html.

De Blas gave Architect Alberto Campo Baeza the complete collection of poems by Spanish poet Luis Cernuda (1902- 1963). This poetry was to be the inpirational material of a home where De Blas and his family could 'listen to music'.

The location was a steep site rising 15 metres. At the top it overlooked a flatter plane and was emphasised by an elevated advantage of natural light reaching it.

The basis of design was in its duality: a juxtaposition of solidity versus invisibility. It looked simply like a glass box placed on top of a concrete one, but which created a strong emotive response, especially in the poetic feeling of being inside while at the same time engulfed inthe 'music' of the environment. The impenetrable concrete contrasted with the almost non-existent faceade of glass.

This architecture created a deeply personal experience. One sits in silence and listens to the music of the place.

How will this relate to my design? At this stage I am unsure. The aesthetic created by such contrast in materials and the resultant atmosphere is surely a highlight of the design and is impressive. Perhaps I will use such a contrast to create a duality of space for the occupants of my design.

Further photos that I thought were very valuable are found at:

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